Last week, Gear Patriot published a post on the 101 Twitter Accounts Every Gun Lover Should Follow. I was pleased to see I made number 55, but also a little let down to find that he had only listed 88.
So, I decided to offer here the original 88, plus 32 more. These are accounts I follow, and I find consistently tweet about shooting, even if they also tweet about other things from time to time. I have even had the good fortune to meet some of these folks, and those are underlined.
DISCLAIMER and up-front apology: To my Twitter friends, if I left you off my list, please don't be offended. I tried to list all the accounts that consistently tweet about shooting, that I thought every shooter would like. If I left out someone who should be there, please let me know in the comments, or, on Twitter at @FillYerHands.
ALSO: Some of the Twitter accounts are of bloggers, but I have left off the addresses of the blogs they write, to save time and space. However, if you go to the Twitter bio, they will have their blog link there.
The Original 88:
- ITS Tactical @ITStactical - ITS Tactical is dedicated to showcasing the everyday gear and DIY projects that can help you live better on the tactical side of life. In a very short time they have built up one of the largest online networks for gun, gear and survival buffs across Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and their awesome website. If you haven’t visited recently, then you are missing out.
- Julie Goloski Golob @julieG1 – This is the official twitter profile of Julie Goloski Golob. Julie describers herself as, “World & national shooting champion, author of SHOOT, veteran, foodie, wife & proud mom with a passion for hunting, photography & the outdoors.” Julie is an active tweeter who always shares fun and informative information.
- Dustin Ellermann @TopShotDustin – Dustin Ellermann was the Top Shot season 3 Champion and is an active tweeter about guns, parenting and life in general. His tweets are fun and let you connect with the real person behind the tweets. Check him out…
- Epic Tactical - @EpicTactical - These guys are having a lot of fun as one of the most active tweeters in the tactical guns and gear community. They offer lots of great firearm reviews and gun talk via both Twitter and their popular website
- F3 Tactical - @F3Tactical - These guys are pretty new on Twitter but so far they look like they are going to build a strong reputation for themselves here. Based on their profile, they are a tactical gear shop dedicated to providing quality kit to public safety professionals, military, security and responsible, armed citizens.
- Guns & Ammo - @GunsAndAmmoMag - This is the official twitter profile for the popular magazine and website. Guns & Ammo is one of our favorite website for their combination of gun reviews and interesting entertaining news and commentaries for gun lovers.
- USA Carry - @USACarry - USA Carry is a great resource for gun information related to Concealed Carry, Permit Info, Reciprocity Maps, Firearm Forums, Instructor Lists. They also have frequent Free Giveaways that make them a favorite among the shooting community on Twitter.
- The Ready Nation - @TheReadyNation - With over 16,000 followers, Jeff Davis is one of the most popular survival tweeters on Twitter. The Ready Nation shares information from across the web on topics such as Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, MRE’s, Freeze Dried Food, Water Storage, Dehydrated Food, Expert Survival tips.
- Rebecca Hauptman @RebeccaGuns – Guns mostly, with a side of DIY and a sprinkling of awesomeness.
- Stephanie Hayden @StephanieRJF – Mother of 2 with a kick @ss hubby and amazing job, oh yea and Im that chick on that show
- NRA @NRA – National Rifle Association of America
- Col Cooper’s Ghost @ColCoopersGhost - It’s just FOUR RULES! How hard could it be?
- GunNoob @GunNoob – Gun Noob is a resource for the beginner to intermediate shooter. If you want to learn about firearms, give us a look.
- Andrew Tuohy @VuurwapenBlog – I run VuurwapenBlog, which is a fact-based firearm and gear resource. I also work in the firearm industry.
- FourGuysGuns @FourGuysGuns – Gun tips, advice and reviews for n00bs. Because you shouldn’t have to dress in Real Tree to appreciate Firearms and not be judged. America Wins.
- That Texas Lady @ThatTexasLady
- Team Gun Blogger @TeamGunBlogger – Team Gun Blogger aims to help introduce new gun owners to the benefits of daily carry, competitive practical shooting, firearms training, and practice shooting.
- Chuck Johnson @gunexpert – Former officer, antique gun collector, avid hunter, family man.
- Michelle Viscusi @MichelleViscusi - ”Im a badass independent woman.” Errr… wait thats not me
- Paige Wyatt @Paigeewyatt – Make sure to watch American Guns on Discovery Channel!
- Kurt Wyatt @kurtneilwyatt – i love my job almost as much as i love my fans.
- Packing Pretty @packingpretty – Assistant Director of CRPC firearms training dept, NRA instructor, action pistol competitor, martial artist, animal lover, writer, cook, wife
- Bruce F @Mousegunner – A blog about mouse guns and shooting gear. We cover a wide range of topics.
- AllAK47 @AllAK47 – We want to be your primary resource for anything AK-47 or Kalashnikov related. Check us out on
- Monderno @Monderno – Guns, gear, knives, survival. Tweets by Brandon.
- Randi Rogers @RandiMRogers
- GearScout @GearScout – Gear news, about, you’ll see it on the Military Times GearScout.
- Women’s Outdoor News @TeamWON – The Women’s Outdoor News features news, reviews and stories about women in the outdoors.
- Gun Politics Blog @GunPoliticsBlog
- Gears Of Guns @Gearsofguns – We are here to talk about firearms only. Please leave your political views at the door.
- Glenn fleming @flemgunner – Welder for red jacket firearms and one of the guys on sons of guns
- Charlie Watson @CWSonsofGuns – from Red Jacket Firearms. Appearing on Sons of Guns
- Allen Forkner @GrumpyGunner – I’m the PR dude for several shooting and outdoor sporting goods companies. I get paid to talk about my favorite things in the world. Living the dream kids…
- SHOT Show Media Day @SHOTSh_MediaDay – Follow me, Kelsey Williams, to get the latest updates on SHOT Show Media Day at the Range 2013 taking place on January 14,2013
- Outdoor Life @outdoorlife – Outdoor Life magazine, your source for hunting and fishing adventure!
- Shooting Times @ShootingTimesUS – Official Twitter for Shooting Times™ magazine.
- Nick Leghorn @NickLeghorn – Staff Writer for the firearms blog The Truth About Guns focusing on long range rifle and competition shooting.
- The Sportsmans Guide @sportsmansguide
- Caleb Giddings @radicaleb
- Regis Giles @RegisGiles – Creator/Owner of Girls Just Wanna Have, NRA columnist, self-defense activist, hunter and conservationist.
- Tactical @TacticalLife1 – Guns & Weapons for L.E., Special Weapons for M&P, Combat Handguns, Tactical Weapons, Tactical Knives, Guns of the Old West, Pocket Pistols, Black Guns…& more
- Jerking the Trigger @jerkthetrigger – Tactical gear news and reviews for the regular guys.
- SHOT Business @SHOTBusiness – SHOT Business is the modern magazine of the shooting sports industry. It is the official publication of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).
- Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) @2AFDN – Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is a non-profit working to protect 2nd Amendment gun owner rights. MOLON LABE!
- Dan Hall @danmhall – Founder / CEO, | Passionate about using technology to add value and create efficiency within organizations.
- glam gun girl @GlamGunGirl – A mom, a wife, a cook, a shooter, a Bible teacher and a shark tooth hunter.
- Savannah @SavannieOakley – Dancer, shooter (usually not at the same time), and writer with an interest in all things tactical and elegant.
- The ZSA Team @ZOMBIESHOOTERS – ZSA is a new fast paced shooting sport that provides safe, competitive, firearms fun. So many Zombies, so little time. Raleigh NC
- Kristen Williams @TheGunChick – I heart handguns. Graduate of Gunsite Academy’s 250 and 350 classes. I’m also @TheGolfChick. Aiming for pars, birdies & bad guys.
- Charlie Pratt @charliepratt – I work at @bold. I co-founded @gunway. I love@katieshootsit. I like to make things, and make things go.
- Yankee Gun Nut @YankeeGunNut – Sporadic fire from a couple of big bores. We’re a couple of gun nuts behind the lines in Connecticut, bloviating about topics that interest us.
- Shannon Salyer @SMSalyer – I do PR & marketing for the hunting & shooting industry. Dressage rider & beer snob when I’m not working!
- Rooster @FillYerHands – Just a normal guy who likes shooting. USPSA, GSSF, NRA life member, GA Tech grad and engineer. I will question you on your BS, left or right.
- Haus of Guns @HausofGuns – Practical Gun & Gear reviews, advice, safety and tips for the Average Joe Shoote
- Gunway @gunway – A place to share your firearms & outdoor life with others.
- Gun Blog @gunblognews – Gun Blog and Gun News
- RomeoTangoBravo @RomeoTangoBravo – Stay current on the ever changing landscape of firearms related issues, products, and events.
- Shelley Rae @ShelleyShooting – Writer & Social Media Consultant for the firearms industry.
- Heidi – Lucky Gunner @LuckyGunner – Fanatical about selling cheap ammo & providing stellar customer support. We only display what we’ve got in-stock & we ship FAST.
- LauraBurgess @LauraBurgess – Public Relations Firm for law enforcement/military/shooting sports/fishing/boating/outdoors
- Tom Gresham @Guntalk – Host of Gun Talk Radio, Gun Talk TV, Guns & Gear. Talk about guns and sometimes airplanes! When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!
- Weapon Blog @WeaponBlog – The official Twitter page for the Weapon Blog.
- Shooting Illustrated @ShootingIllustr – The Internet’s Definitive Source for the Modern Shooter. Gun Guides, Videos and Articles on Firearms.
- GunUp @GunUp – The Leading Gun Blog Network. Gun Pricing, Product Info, News, Articles and More! Vet owned. #2A #SOT
- AmmoLand @AmmoLand – – Shooting Sports News Service for the Ammunition, Firearms, Shooting, Hunting and Conservation communities.
- @NRAblog – The Official Blog of the NRA’s training, competitions and National Firearms Museum.
- Gun Nuts Media @gunnutsmedia – Gun Nuts Media: the leading online provider for information on the guns and gear of the action shooting sports!
- Chris / Alicia Irwin @GunStoreChris – Business Man (Autodidact) Innovator w the hardest working wife by his side, Husband, Dad, Firearm Cognoscente: celebrities, athletes & everyday people @Gunstore
- The Gun Store @Gunstore – Try One!
- Panteao Productions @PanteaoVideos – Panteao Productions produces instructional videos taught by the top instructors in the firearms and tactical community.
- Ladies-Shooting @LadiesShooting – Fabulous shooting & lifestyle website, just for the girls. *LAUNCHED 1.08.11* New content every other day. Contributers always welcome. Home of the S&CBC.
- ArmedDiva @ArmedDiva – the Armed Diva Community. Stop by and join us on and follow my blog & for the Armed DIVApreneur!
- SC Gun Goddess @scgungoddess – Hard Core GLOCK Girl!,SLED CWP Instructor, NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer & Glock Armorer & Glock Instructor
- SHOT Show @nssfshotshow – The official Twitter home of NSSF’s SHOT Show.
- WomenGunOwners @WomenGunOwners – Proud American born in Texas. Texas State HQ Director for Americac2c, #tcot, love smooth jazz, hunting, & great people. God Bless America!
- Shooting Divas @shootingdivas – Shooting Divas believes that women should not fear having a sense of security by caring a firearm.
- G G @girlsloveguns – I’m a fledgling gun-lover : D who writes about her experiences transitioning from a girl afraid of guns to a girl in love with guns.
- YouCanCarry @YouCanCarry – Providing information about firearms and concealed carry around the United States. Follow us on Facebook:
- @bugoutblog – Making survival a practical matter.
- Armed American @USP_Compact – I’m a proud responsibly armed 1st generation American Citizen. Became a Citizen of these United States in 2010, and forever humble to be welcomed here.
- TheHomeDefender @TheHomeDefender – An extension of my youtube and facebook pages. Sometimes I have opinions or events that don’t warrant a video. I’m a husband and father and will defend my home.
- Rob Leatham @RobLeatham – Champion Action Shooter, World-Class Firearms Instructor, 6-Time IPSC World Champion, 24-Time USPSA National Champion, 16-Time Single Stack / USPSA Champion
- Dmitri @TheFPShow – Professional Russian.
- Nutnfancy @Nutnfancy – Tactical Gear Reviewer. Nutnfancy, The Nutnfancy Project, TNP, NutnfancyGear, Concepts of Freedom and Gear
- Tactical Daily Deals @TacticalDeals – Find the best deals on brand name tactical, military and outdoor gear with 50%-90% discounts on our site.
Fill Yer Hands' Additions
90. @GunDudes – who else? If you don’t listen to their podcast, stop here and go download one. Listen to it twice. Then thank me.
91. @GunFreeZone – Miguel of Gun Free Zone. Claims to hate plastic guns, but he's a good guy nonetheless.
98. @9mm_glock – Pistolero, he’s a shooter and a reloader. His tweets are protected but tell him you know me.
99. @ChrisZump – Her bio says “Yankee Born, Rebel Heart miss little ignore a lot with my CZ by my side.” She shoots CS-SA and blogs at AK’s and Cupcakes.
100. @jea_nine – J9TM, The only person I know whose name is a trademark, except maybe Chaz The Unnamed Trucker. She shoots and lives it, since she works in a gun store.
101. @DogLegArms - Mike, my favorite FFL. He used to be RKBArms, but he likes to keep us guessing.
103. @michaelbane – Michael Bane, TV host and mastermind behind most of the Wednesday night shooting shows on the Outdoor Channel. (Can we please have a contest to pick him an avi picture? An egg does him no justice.)
105. @sdsorrentino – Sean Sorrentino of the NC Gun Blog, who admits he was the second best shooter in my lane at my last Tom Givens training class
107. @kennblanchard – Ken Blanchard, pastor and Black Man With A Gun, from the blog and podcast The Urban Shooter. Note that there are TWO "N"s . . . . if you leave one out you will follow the management guru, which isn't a bad thing, but he doesn't shoot nearly as well.
115. @Gunservatively – His bio reads “Jesus is LORD! • ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ! • The right of Citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves & the State shall not be questioned.” ‘nuff said.
116. @Gunsncoasters – Steve, of the website Glocked and Loaded. The man loves Glocks and roller coasters.
117. @TamSlick – Tam of the View From the Porch blog, and one of the most outspoken people in Gundom.
*Ron's evil twin Don used to write it.